展示理念 Exhibition Concept
  • 「智慧製造體驗專區-智慧農業」展示,以養豬、禽畜及鮮乳產業為主題,帶領觀眾認識農業4.0如何應用智慧化技術以及農業科技,提升農業產出及工作效率。透過AI人工智慧及物聯網,動物生理狀況、畜舍環境資訊集結成的雲端大數據,亦是智慧農業的發展重點。
  • "Smart Agriculture" displays the hog, livestock and dairy industries. It leads the audience to understand how Agriculture 4.0 applies smart technologies to improve related products and working efficiency. Through artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things, cloud big data gathering from animal physiological conditions, and the barn environment are the focus of the smart agriculture development.
展示特色 Exhibition Features
  • 以趣味化手法呈現畜舍的智慧化科技及技術,以感應螢幕、模擬掃描器讓觀眾體驗畜舍農業的日常。透過擬真模型,以深入淺出的方式介紹應用於智慧的農業的微環境控制、耳標及各式感測技術,並以農場實拍影片帶領觀眾看見平時難以近距離接觸的實況。下載智慧製造App與展品互動亦可累積點數,以及使用點數由商店機器人為您兌換商品。
  • Here with touch screens, analog scanners and interesting displays of the intelligent technology, visitors can experience the daily life of a barn. Smart agriculture is introduced in a simple way through a realistic model, a micro-environment control, ear tags, and various sensing technologies. The video of a working farm leads the audience to see the real situation that is usually difficult to get close to. In addition, you can download an app and interact with the exhibits to accumulate points for exchanging gifts given by a robot.
  • 參觀資訊 Visitor Info

    國立科學工藝博物館 B3 臺灣農業的故事廳-智慧農業區
    At “The Story of Taiwan Agriculture” exhibition gallery on the B3 of NSTM
    Closed on Mondays, Lunar New Year's Eve and Lunar New Year

    Opening hours: 9am - 5pm

  • 地址查詢

    高雄市80765三民區九如一路 720 號
    No. 720, Jiuru 1st Rd., Sanmin Dist., Kaohsiung City 807412, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

    Fax : 886-7-387-8748