

Hsuehshan Tunnel to Lanyang; Drink Great Tea in Pinglin

坪林站 Pinglin Station

雪山隧道位於國道 5 號高速公路 15.2 公里至 28.1 公里處,原名坪林隧道,因穿越雪山山脈而得名,但也因地質結構複雜,包括 6 處地震帶斷層、98 處剪裂帶 及 36 處地下湧泉,足以躋身全球最艱鉅的建築工程之列。雪山隧道所在地的坪林,由於環山地形與濕潤的氣候條件,茶園遍佈,以出產「文山包種茶」聞名。

The Hsuehshan Tunnel is located between the 15.2 km and 28.1 km markers of Freeway No.5. It was originally called Pinglin Tunnel, but was renamed because it was bored through the Hsuehshan Range. It is considered one of the most difficult constructions because it crosses 6 faults, 98 shear zones and 36 high-pressure groundwater sources. Pinglin, where this tunnel is located, is blessed by mountainous terrain and humid weather, so it has a lot of tea plantations and is famous for Wenshan-Pouchong tea.

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