

Central Cross-Island Highway to Taroko, Scenery that Never Ends

太魯閣站 Taroko Station

中部橫貫公路主線,西起東勢,至梨山經大禹嶺至花蓮新城的台 8 線省道,西段主要沿日本統治時期所闢的大甲溪警備道修築,1999年九二一地震後谷關到德基間 路段封閉,因而造就台14甲線崛起。東段的天祥至太魯閣間由立霧溪沖刷出太魯閣峽谷美景,中橫公路景色四時變化, 為賞花、賞雪、賞景的景觀道路。

The Central Cross-Island Highway stretches from Dongshi in Western Taiwan, through Lishan, Dayu Mountain and reaches Provincial Highway No.8 in Hincheng, Hualien. The western section was built alongside the garrison trail next to the Dajia River. The section between Guguan and Deji was closed after the earthquake on September 21, 1999, and the closure gave rise to Provincial Highway No.14 Jia. Great views of the Taroko Gorge, created by erosion from the Liwu River, can be seen in the eastern section between Tianxiang and Taroko. The ever-changing Central Cross-Island Highway scenery is great for checking out flowers, snow, or just nature during all four seasons.

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