網站導覽 Sitemap
The website has been designed in compliance with general principles of accessible design:
- 所有的頁面都可以用鍵盤操作,不限於使用滑鼠。 Every page on the site can be navigated via the keyboard, without any need for a mouse.
- 網站設置導盲磚快速鍵(:::),使用者可快速到達各主要區塊。The website features accesskeys (:::) that visitors can use to jump to the main sections of the site.
- 網頁圖片均標示適當的替代文字說明。All images on the website are tagged with descriptive text.
- 在介面變更、變更網址或開新視窗的連結項目上加上提示文字,使用者不需一一進入連結頁面即可知道每一個連結的目的。Descriptive text pops up whenever the user hovers the cursor over a link, so that the user can see what links lead to without actually clicking into them.
Navigation links in this website are grouped into three major blocks:
The accesskeys, also known as shortcut keys, are defined as follows:
4.1 臺東站 Taitung Station
4.2 旗美站 Chimei Station
4.3 阿里山站 Alishan Station
4.4 美麗島站 Formosa Boulevard Station
4.5 臺北站 Taipei Main Station
4.6 新竹站 Hsinchu Station
4.7 佛光山站 Foguangshan Station
4.8 埔里站 Puli Station
4.9 未來交通站 Future Transportation
4.10 坪林站 Pinglin Station
4.11 海巡艦艇遊 Coast Guard Adventure
4.12 高雄港站 Kaohsiung Port Station
4.13 高雄輕旅行 Kaohsiung Light Rail on the go
4.14 桃園機場站 Taoyuan Airport Station